Dermal fillers = instant gratification!


Dermal fillers, also known as injectable fillers, are used to add volume to the face. They can “fill in” wrinkles and lines and improve the contours of your face. Only dermal fillers can give you instant results and gratification.


Physimed MediSpa, Montreal


Local topical anesthetic




20-30 minutes


0-24 hours

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chin filler

Dermal fillers add volume to the face with safe and natural molecules. It is most commonly used on the face, for example for cheek or chin filler. The most popular type of filler is the hyaluronic acid filler. Hyaluronic acid is naturally found in the skin. It provides hydration, firmness, and elasticity to the skin. With time, the body’s ability to produce hyaluronic acid decreases. This is one cause of the formation of wrinkles and fine lines, and it can also change the contours of the face. When injected into the dermis, hyaluronic acid helps hydrate, reduce wrinkles on, and plump the face naturally.

Other ingredients include collagen, calcium hydroxylapatite, poly-L-lactic acid, polymethyl methacrylate, or fat harvested from your own body.


Dermal fillers give you instant results and instant gratification. The fullest effect is seen at 2 weeks post-injection. You will see fuller or smoother skin right away. The fillers we use at Physimed MediSpa typically last one year, but this time changes depending on the type of filler used, the location it is injected into, as well as the rate at which your body metabolizes it.

Before your procedure, you will have a consultation in which we discuss your facial structure and the best filler treatment for to achieve your ideal results. We will clean the area to be treated and apply a topical anaesthetic if necessary.

Then, we inject the filler with a needle or a blunted cannula. Once injected, we massage the filler to shape it. This ensures symmetrical results and even distribution of filler. Each injection lasts a few moments and a typical procedure lasts around 20-30 minutes.

There is no downtime. Occasionally, there is swelling or tenderness post-injection. This usually dissipates within 2 days with the use of ice packs.

Young people may want to improve the contours of their face while mature people may want to improve skin laxity or fill wrinkles. This makes dermal fillers a great procedure for everyone.

Dermal fillers are most often injected in the face to volumize lips, fill in the under-eye hollows known as tear troughs, smooth wrinkles and lines, add volume to cheeks, and smooth and improve the appearance of pitted acne scars. Another common use is the non-surgical nose job. Multiple other areas can be injected with dermal fillers, for example chin filler. They can also be injected in the hands for a more youthful look.


Dermal fillers are relatively painless, quick, and safe. They require practically no downtime. Hyaluronic acid filler is virtually identical to the molecule produced in our skin, thus allowing it to dissolve more naturally and gradually when compared to other ingredients. They can also be easily reversed with hyaluronidase, a component that breaks down the acid, eliminating the risk of an unsatisfactory end result.

The side effects may include redness, swelling, bumps, bruising, and an allergic reaction, however this is uncommon. If the filler is unintentionally injected into a blood vessel, serious complications can result, however it can be reversed using hyaluronidase. Do not get dermal fillers if you have an infection on the face near the injection site, else the infection can spread.

The maintenance required to uphold the results is a yearly treatment, since the filler dissolves.

Lasers like the Fotona laser and Morpheus8’s microneedling with radio frequency are other procedures that can help with sagging skin and wrinkles. They do a wonderful job helping patients look younger naturally and gradually. They do not offer the instant gratification that dermal fillers give you.

Request a consultation or more information and begin your journey. The Difference is Beautiful.

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Mathieu Vigneault
Mathieu Vigneault
Great service, thanks
Michael Lafrance
Michael Lafrance
Très content du résultat et personnel très courtois
Lidiea Ambarus
Lidiea Ambarus
Une mention spéciale à Gabriela Gabby Noemi. Elle est non seulement professionnelle et compétente, mais aussi attentionnée et amicale. Dès mon premier rendez-vous, son travail minutieux m'a donné une grande confiance en ses capacités et cela continue. Elle explique toujours comment tout fonctionne, étape par étape. Le traitement fonctionne bien, je suis contente des résultats. Équipe professionnelle, travail de grande qualité, fortement recommandé.
Très bonne expérience, de la prise de rendez-vous au traitement. Le personnel est acceuillant, le docteur est absolument génial, super rassurant, sans jugement, confiant et attentionné. Les réceptionnistes et assistants sont tous gentils et fournissent un maximum d'informations. J'avais certaines appréhensions ne sachant pas trop à quoi m'attendre mais je ne le regrette pas une seconde et j'y retrounerai!
Acrochordons multiple, bonne explication et bon service
serge mpela
serge mpela
belle emplacement, très bonne pris en charge et professionnel.
Mark Gouterman
Mark Gouterman
Every time the best, the most professional service. Thank you!
Very professional staff Greeted with friendly atmosphere Recommend Medispa to anyone in need of dermatology needs