Young or old, it is never too early to look your very best!


Neuromodulators like Nuceiva and Botox are injections for the face and neck that relax the muscles. This reduces the appearance of dynamic wrinkles as the muscles cannot contract as forcefully as usual. It can treat crow’s feet, marionette or smoker lines, frown lines, forehead lines, and many other problem areas.


Physimed MediSpa, Montreal






20-30 minutes





Neuromodulators block signals from nerves to muscles and thus stop muscles from contracting as forcefully as usual. Neuromodulators like Botox and Nucieva are injected into the face and neck to reduce the appearance of dynamic lines and wrinkles, as in lines made by repeated movements – for example, crow’s feet formed by squinting. They cannot change the appearance of static lines caused by factors like sun damage. Note that it’s important to wear sunscreen in order to avoid static lines.

Neuromodulators are most often used to treat crow’s feet, frown lines, and forehead lines, however they have many more uses and can be injected into areas including the lips, nose, lower face, and neck to treat gummy smiles, dimpled chins, bunny lines, and downturned smiles.

Additionally, neuromodulators can be used to prevent wrinkles, also known as baby Botox. If you are looking to avoid developing wrinkles later in life, you may consider neuromodulator treatments beginning in your mid-20s to 30s.

Results begin to appear in as soon as 2-3 days after the treatment. Full results will be apparent in 8-12 days after the treatment. Results aren’t immediate because the neuromodulators must first bind to nerve cell receptors to then relax the muscles.

Neuromodulators like Botox and Nucieva do not give permanent results. To maintain your look, you will have to return every 3-4 months for more treatment. However, if you stop treatments, the effects will disappear and your face will return to its usual appearance with muscles returning to their normal movements.

Injections of these molecules are virtually painless and relatively very quick. The procedure can last 10-35 minutes depending on the area(s) of treatment. The needles used for this procedure are tiny. Most patients don’t even feel them.

The recovery period for neuromodulator treatments is minimal. We suggest that you remain erect, avoid rubbing the area, and abstain from heavy exercise for 4 hours post-treatment. It is possible that bruising that lasts up to a week will occur at the injection site. This is very rare and can be prevented by reducing consumption of blood thinners, including alcohol, anti-inflammatories like aspirin or ibuprofen, and fish oil and vitamin E supplements in the week leading up to the procedure.

Any adult over 30 is a good candidate and can benefit from this treatment.


The areas typically treated with neuromodulator (i.e. Botox) injections are crow’s feet, frown lines, and forehead lines. However, many other problem areas on the face or neck can be treated, such as gummy smiles, dimpled chins, bunny lines, and downturned smile.

Additionally, neuromodulators can treat excessive sweating and excessive teeth grinding (bruxism).


Botox injections are considered the gold standard for the temporary erasing facial fine lines and wrinkles caused by muscle movement. Consequently, they are considered very safe and have minimal risks and side effects. Possible side effects may include an uneven look or a frozen look. Fortunately, the effects of neuromodulators are temporary and will fade in 3-4 months.

Injections always come with the risk of bruising. To prevent this, reduce consumption of blood thinners, including alcohol, anti-inflammatories like aspirin or ibuprofen, and fish oil and vitamin E supplements in the week leading up to the procedure.


Dysport and Xeomin are both different injectable neuromodulators derived from botulinum type A that can result in similar and temporary effects as Botox and Nucieva.

To “fill in” wrinkles and lines, you may consider dermal fillers that add volume. These include Juvéderm, Teosyal, and Restylan.

Medium to fine lines or wrinkles can be treated with laser resurfacing with our Fotona laser, radiofrequency with microneedling with Morpheus8, and light- to medium-depth chemical peels. Plus, these treatments are not limited to dynamic lines and can treat those caused by sun damage. However, these treatments may result in a longer recovery period than neuromodulators like Botox and Nucieva and they will not be as effective on dynamic wrinkles.


For more information, ask for a free consultation with an aesthetics doctor.

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Mathieu Vigneault
Mathieu Vigneault
Great service, thanks
Michael Lafrance
Michael Lafrance
Très content du résultat et personnel très courtois
Lidiea Ambarus
Lidiea Ambarus
Une mention spéciale à Gabriela Gabby Noemi. Elle est non seulement professionnelle et compétente, mais aussi attentionnée et amicale. Dès mon premier rendez-vous, son travail minutieux m'a donné une grande confiance en ses capacités et cela continue. Elle explique toujours comment tout fonctionne, étape par étape. Le traitement fonctionne bien, je suis contente des résultats. Équipe professionnelle, travail de grande qualité, fortement recommandé.
Très bonne expérience, de la prise de rendez-vous au traitement. Le personnel est acceuillant, le docteur est absolument génial, super rassurant, sans jugement, confiant et attentionné. Les réceptionnistes et assistants sont tous gentils et fournissent un maximum d'informations. J'avais certaines appréhensions ne sachant pas trop à quoi m'attendre mais je ne le regrette pas une seconde et j'y retrounerai!
Wisam Skaff
Wisam Skaff
Acrochordons multiple, bonne explication et bon service
serge mpela
serge mpela
belle emplacement, très bonne pris en charge et professionnel.
Bernard R.
Bernard R.
Mark Gouterman
Mark Gouterman
Every time the best, the most professional service. Thank you!
Very professional staff Greeted with friendly atmosphere Recommend Medispa to anyone in need of dermatology needs