PRP Treatments

PRP Injections

PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, is used to promote tissue growth and repair. Blood is extracted rom the patient and ran through a centrifuge to isolate platelets. Within each platelet, you can find multiple granules which contain very precious growth factors. When these platelets are separated and injected in your body, they start to degranulate and release all those growth factors in the areas that we have targeted with our injections. Your body’s reparative cell production is then stimulated to regenerate and heal your tissues. When injected within soft tissues, PRP will result in the formation of fibrin stand/mesh or extracellular matrix under the skin. Migration of macrophages and stem cells to affected or treated areas help achieve tissue regeneration and the recruitment of additional stem cells to the area. The result is new and healthy tissues.

Treatment options:

PRP can be injected in the skin just about anywhere in the body. It can treat a wide variety of issues or conditions.

It is extensively used in the scalp to regrow hair, in the face and neck to treat loose skin and poor textured skin. It is also injected inside certain joints to promote the regeneration of cartilage and the healing of connective tissue that has been damaged. It is injected in the penis to treat erectile dysfunction and it is also injected in the clitoris and G spot in the vagina to improve sexual experience and orgasms.

Mathieu Vigneault
Mathieu Vigneault
Great service, thanks
Michael Lafrance
Michael Lafrance
Très content du résultat et personnel très courtois
Lidiea Ambarus
Lidiea Ambarus
Une mention spéciale à Gabriela Gabby Noemi. Elle est non seulement professionnelle et compétente, mais aussi attentionnée et amicale. Dès mon premier rendez-vous, son travail minutieux m'a donné une grande confiance en ses capacités et cela continue. Elle explique toujours comment tout fonctionne, étape par étape. Le traitement fonctionne bien, je suis contente des résultats. Équipe professionnelle, travail de grande qualité, fortement recommandé.
Très bonne expérience, de la prise de rendez-vous au traitement. Le personnel est acceuillant, le docteur est absolument génial, super rassurant, sans jugement, confiant et attentionné. Les réceptionnistes et assistants sont tous gentils et fournissent un maximum d'informations. J'avais certaines appréhensions ne sachant pas trop à quoi m'attendre mais je ne le regrette pas une seconde et j'y retrounerai!
Wisam Skaff
Wisam Skaff
Acrochordons multiple, bonne explication et bon service
serge mpela
serge mpela
belle emplacement, très bonne pris en charge et professionnel.
Bernard R.
Bernard R.
Mark Gouterman
Mark Gouterman
Every time the best, the most professional service. Thank you!
Very professional staff Greeted with friendly atmosphere Recommend Medispa to anyone in need of dermatology needs