how to get rid of cellulite

How to get rid of cellulite: OUR Treatments

Cellulite is certainly the most widespread and least tolerated aesthetic complaint among women. Cellulite doesn’t discriminate as 90% of women have some form of cellulite and unlike what most people think, cellulite isn’t a condition for only the overweight.
Cellulite is a multi-factorial problem.
Unlike men, women have tight fibrous connective tissue bands that run in a parallel pattern from skin to muscle through the fat (see picture). When the bands pull downward on the skin, the fat pushes upward resulting in a lumpy skin appearance usually found on your hips, thighs, buttocks or abdomen. In other words, cellulite is the herniation of fat within tight fibrous connective tissue that manifests itself as skin dimpling and nodularity. This condition causes a microcirculation deficiency with poor lymphatic drainage resulting in the increased size of adipocytes, the cells responsible for fat storage.
Aside from the structural anomalies with the connective tissue bands described above, other contributing factors for cellulite include a slow down in the metabolism, excess weight, hormonal changes , and genetic factors.
There is a grading system for cellulite. Not all women have the same level of cellulite. The grading goes from 1-3 according to the extent and severity of the dimples. Therefore, the treatment plan will vary in terms of duration and number of treatments according to the severity of you cellulite.
Since cellulite is a multi factorial problem, there is no single device that can address all the contributing factors that can cause cellulite in the first place.
At Physimed MediSpa, we are very much result oriented. We found that a multi-modalities approach was the most efficient solution to effectively treat cellulite. It is the combination of Radio Frequency, High Energy Radial Shockwave therapy and Specific Wave Phototherapy that give you the best results. We use 3 machines namely, Trusculpt iD, Z-wave and Soli-Lite that work in synergy with specific protocols to achieve the results that you wish for yourself.
How do these 3 modalities work?
 TruSculpt iD
TruSculpt iD uses radiofrequency energy for deep tissue heating that promotes the non-invasive removal of fat and the tightening of the overlying skin. In addition to reducing fat, truSculpt iD treatments can help improve skin tone while improving the appearance of cellulite.
The heat waves from Radio Frequency forces the fat cells to release their free fatty acids into the “milieu” and die. The debris are then picked up by our lymphatic system (our sewage system) and eliminated naturally by the body.
At the same time, new collagen and elastin fibers below the surface are created as a result of the increase in the metabolism of fibroblasts.
TruSculpt iD is well tolerated by our patients, with minimal discomfort and no downtime. Typically 1-3 treatments are necessary for the best results, which generally appear over a period of 4-12 weeks following each treatment.
  Z- Wave
The high energy radial acoustic shockwaves have scientifically proved to have a large impact on collagen structure and the skin connective tissue, improving blood circulation and lymphatic drainage promoting the removal of dead fat cells. The mechanical effect on the tissues reduces the edema and improves the lymphatic drainage of toxins. It also stimulates collagen formation, while the skin becomes more elastic and its firmness is visible after only a few treatments. Z-Wave uses high energy radial shockwaves in the effective reduction and improvement of Grade 1-3 cellulite (mild to moderate dimpling)
The exceptional advantages of acoustic radial waves are:
– painless treatment
– no downtime after treatment – easy to operate
– noninvasive treatment
– no anesthesia required
– visible appreciable results
Soli-Lite Phototherapy
We as humans have biological reactions to certain specific wavelength of light. For example, when under the sun, our body converts UVB rays into vitamin D and our skin cells (called melanocytes) become stimulated to secrete some melanin which is the pigment that makes you look tanned.
Phototherapy triggers certain biological reactions for different specific purposes, stimulating the natural healing and rejuvenating power of the body’s cells.
Depending on the function of this procedure, a wavelength is chosen, and strong LED lights emitting that wavelength are shined onto the parts of the body that are targeted. Each wavelength reaches a different depth of skin. Specific wavelengths of light in therapeutic applications have been highly documented, proven and supported by clinical and medical literature. Yellow light at 590 nm targets circulation (lymphatic & blood circulation), red light at 633 nm targets the dermis (photo-aging treatment) by stimulating the proliferation of fibroblasts that synthesize collagen, tissue supporting skin structures and near-infrared light at 830 nm targets deeper subcutaneous connective tissues and muscles.
Since the cause of cellulite is multifactorial, you would need these 3 modalities plus an appropriate diet with a specific exercise routine to see the results that you are looking for.
Like most procedures in medical aesthetics, yearly maintenance treatments will be required to maintain your results.
Are you tired of the stubborn, lumpy and dimpled flesh on the thighs, hips, buttocks, and belly? Are you self conscious about your thighs when you wear a skirt or bathing suit?
Get ready to reshape the way you think about your body with a versatile, anti-cellulite comprehensive treatment that delivers individualized results to match your personal needs.
For a proper assessment of your cellulite treatments needs, call 514 747 8097 or complete this form and our coordinator will contact you shortly.

Here are other procedures available at Physimed MediSpa that can reduce significantly the appearance of cellulite:

Fotona TightSculpting

Fat reduction & skin tightening

TightSculpting is a unique, efficient, non-invasive treatment which combines two procedures in one - fat reduction and skin tightening. How can a laser get rid of fat cells? The Nd YAG laser safely and rapidly heats up your skin, targeting its energy to the level beneath your skin where the fat exists. Your fat is heated by the laser energy causing it to break down and die. Where does the fat go? It is either naturally processed by the body or eliminated from the body altogether. Once the fat is affected and eliminated, it is gone for good. To finalize the results, the erbium YAG laser tightens the overlying skin giving you an improved and smooth contour.


Microneedling to get rid of cellulite

Morpheus8 is a minimally invasive skin rejuvenation procedure that pairs microneedling with radiofrequency energy. It uses tiny needles to deliver energy deep into your skin, creating micro injuries that trigger your body’s natural healing response and promote production of new collagen and elastin that firms and remodels skin. The Morpheus8 device actually molds fat and tightens the overlying skin to create more youthful body contours. Over and above cellulite treatment, the added benefits of a Morpheus8 treatment include: increased collagen production, improved scars, reduced wrinkles, and faded stretch marks.

Notice: these photos are published for informational purposes only. They do not constitute a guarantee of results.

For more information, ask for a free consultation with an aesthetics doctor.

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Mathieu Vigneault
Mathieu Vigneault
Great service, thanks
Michael Lafrance
Michael Lafrance
Très content du résultat et personnel très courtois
Lidiea Ambarus
Lidiea Ambarus
Une mention spéciale à Gabriela Gabby Noemi. Elle est non seulement professionnelle et compétente, mais aussi attentionnée et amicale. Dès mon premier rendez-vous, son travail minutieux m'a donné une grande confiance en ses capacités et cela continue. Elle explique toujours comment tout fonctionne, étape par étape. Le traitement fonctionne bien, je suis contente des résultats. Équipe professionnelle, travail de grande qualité, fortement recommandé.
Très bonne expérience, de la prise de rendez-vous au traitement. Le personnel est acceuillant, le docteur est absolument génial, super rassurant, sans jugement, confiant et attentionné. Les réceptionnistes et assistants sont tous gentils et fournissent un maximum d'informations. J'avais certaines appréhensions ne sachant pas trop à quoi m'attendre mais je ne le regrette pas une seconde et j'y retrounerai!
Acrochordons multiple, bonne explication et bon service
serge mpela
serge mpela
belle emplacement, très bonne pris en charge et professionnel.
Mark Gouterman
Mark Gouterman
Every time the best, the most professional service. Thank you!
Very professional staff Greeted with friendly atmosphere Recommend Medispa to anyone in need of dermatology needs