Muscle Toning
With TruSculpt Flex

Discover TruSculpt Flex, the first body shaper device in the world


You can't expect to reshape your body simply by losing weight or by removing certain fat deposits from specific areas of your body. You must also pay attention to your musculature. Medispa Physimed offers the ultimate in body sculpting and muscle building: TruSculpt Flex, an Award-Winning Muscle Sculpting Technology that personalizes muscle sculpting treatments adapted to your level of fitness, your morphology and your goals to strengthen, firm and tone your muscles beyond what any human being can do on their own. TruSculpt Flex's comfortable, safe and effective body sculpting technology is clinically proven to significantly increase, tone and sculpt muscle mass tailored to your individual needs.


Physimed MediSpa, Montreal






45 mins


No downtime



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TruSculpt Flex is a device that administers multidirectional electrical currents to stimulate muscle group contractions using three treatment mode options, covering the largest treatment area in the body sculpting industry. This device can tone and strengthen a wide range of muscle groups including abs, butt, thighs, calves and arms, to name a few, to sculpt muscle and can even be used therapeutically for rehabilitation after injury.

In traditional strength training, the brain sends a signal to the nervous system and motor neurons to voluntarily contract the body’s muscles. In a TruSculpt Flex treatment, the process bypasses the brain, and instead, the machine sends an electrical signal to the electrodes that are placed directly above the muscles you wish to stimulate.

After the age of 30, sedentary people can lose up to 3-8% of their muscle mass per decade. This happens when the protein in the muscle breaks down faster than it is produced by the protein synthesis process. Strength and resistance training is traditionally the most effective method of avoiding or reversing this process. A new approach to achieve outstanding body sculpting results can be achieved with TruSculpt Flex.

During a TruSculpt Flex body shaper treatment, similar to strength training, muscle fibers undergo trauma or microscopic tears and then the cells attempt to repair the damage, resulting in an increase in muscle size, strength and definition. This repair process, called hypertrophy, begins after each treatment and involves the release of hormones, such as growth hormone, to trigger cell repair, form new blood capillaries, restore muscle fibres and manage muscle mass gain.

Here are some distinguishing features of TruSculpt Flex:

  • Fast – Up to eight areas can be treated in each 45-minute session. 
  • Safe – The unique truControl technology provides safe and consistent results through targeted, selective, and customizable delivery with less energy needed. 
  • Effective – Three treatment mode options are available to customize the results to each patient’s goals (prep, tone and sculpt).
  • Muscle thickness increase – Clinical studies have shown an average of 30% increase in muscle mass.
  • Versatile – Best of all, we can personalize the treatment for different fitness levels, body shapes and goals

If you wish to reshape or redesign your silhouette for aesthetic reasons, TruSculpt Flex can easily help you do so; and if you want to increase your power or improve your sports performance, TruSculpt Flex can also help you do so. 

TruSculpt Flex is the only body shaper machine in the world that allows you to treat up to eight muscle areas at the same time during a 45-minute session for the most efficient muscle toning. Remarkable results can be achieved with only 4 to 6 treatments. Additional treatments may be required to achieve the personalized results you desire.

A healthy adult could perform up to 100 sit-ups on their own before reaching a point of exhaustion due to lactic acid build-up. However, due to the aerobic nature of a TruSculpt Flex body sculpting treatment, lactic acid accumulation does not occur. Therefore, during a 45-minute TruSculpt Flex treatment, a healthy adult could perform the equivalent of up to 54,000 sit-ups, a feat that no human being can achieve alone.

Muscle development is not an instantaneous process. There can be immediate mild swelling of muscles after a TruSculpt Flex session, as well as changes at a microscopic level. However, observable results take time. The body needs several weeks to repair, rebuild and increase the size of the muscles. It may take 4 to 16 weeks before noticeable differences in muscle definition, size and strength are noticeable.  Some individuals may see results sooner than others and there are many reasons for this. Age, gender, diet, previous exercise experience or current fitness level, physiological/genetic potential, amount of fat tissue on the muscle and proper rest are some of the factors that contribute to the speed of muscle response. 

At the beginning of a muscle toning treatment, patients experience a slight sensation of contraction in the targeted muscles and, as the intensity increases, muscle contraction intensifies but remains quite comfortable depending on how one wishes to push the treatments for optimal results.

The goal is to administer treatments at the highest possible intensity for each treatment mode that could be tolerated with minimal to moderate discomfort. 

TruSculpt Flex consists of 16 handpieces allowing simultaneous treatment of up to 8 muscle areas. The device is pre-programmed with three treatment modes, Prep, Tone and Sculpt, which offer five different contraction sequences to simulate traditional training at an accelerated intensity and increase basal metabolic rate. In addition, TruSculpt Flex can rotate the muscles and subject them to different types of twisting contractions by changing the polarity of the electrodes in real time. This simulation continually confuses and challenges the muscle at an intensity and duration that exceeds the level that any human being can achieve on their own during regular exercise. 

TruSculpt Flex is a non-invasive body sculpting treatment that requires no recovery time and patients can resume normal activities immediately after treatment. After the procedure, patients may experience tingling in the treated areas for a few hours and/or mild muscle soreness or tenderness for 24-72 hours.

In your quest for a fit and toned body, you may have hit a wall even after putting in the effort to eat right and exercise regularly. This is why we are introducing the groundbreaking TruSculpt Flex technology to help patients achieve muscle tone faster and to achieve ideal physique with no downtime.

Here are the 4 main categories of people that can benefit from TruSculpt Flex body sculpting treatments:

  • Men and women who are looking to improve or reshape their body contour by muscle toning, building, and sculpting.
  • Men and women who are looking to improve their athletic performances through strength conditioning with more power output and more resistance.
  • Men and women who are in rehabilitation post injury or surgery looking to recover their muscular integrity and improve their function or simply to avoid detrimental muscle atrophy.
  • Men and women who have lost their muscle mass either through deconditioning or because of the aging process with progressive muscle atrophy.

 During your consultation, our doctor will discuss with you if you are a good candidate for body sculpting based on your health, medical history and objectives. Our doctor will design a body sculpting treatment plan tailored to your needs and goals whether your purpose to build muscle is to improve aesthetically your silhouette or to improve your athletic performances. Our doctor will also follow you until you have reached your goals.

TruSculpt Flex can be used to treat most main skeletal muscles of the body. Whether you want to lift your butt, sculpt your arms or tone your legs or get a 6 pack… TruSculpt Flex can do it all. 

The indications are for increasing strength and muscle toning of the abdominals and obliques as well as the muscles of the buttocks (gluteus maximus and medius) and hamstrings. Off label treatments have been performed successfully on other muscle groups such as the: biceps, triceps, deltoids, quadriceps and calves muscles amongst others.

Since with TruSculpt Flex you can treat 8 muscle areas during the same body sculpting treatment session, you can really apply yourself to redesign your body and finally get the body shape you have always dreamed of.

TruSculpt flex is non-invasive muscle toning and strengthening treatment which requires no recovery time, and patients are able to immediately return to normal activities after the treatment. Post-procedure, patients may notice tingling in the areas treated for up to a few hours and/or slight muscle soreness or tenderness for 24-72 hours. Other than occasional transient erythema (redness of the skin), self-resolving within several hours, there are no unexpected or serious treatment side effects.

Contraindications to the TruSculpt Flex include cardiac pacemaker, known myocardial arrhythmia, swollen, infected, or inflamed skin, or active cancer. Additionally, patients are excluded if they have any metal implant in the area to be treated; skin abnormality; history of seizure disorder or epilepsy, or pregnancy.

Our muscles need to be stimulated on a consistent basis to maintain their integrity, shape and function.

After your initial 4-6 muscle toning treatments which should be sufficient to reach your goals, you can go on a maintenance program with a once a month or once every two months treatment depending on your objectives.

Pairing TruSculpt Flex with Trusculpt iD can help offer the body of your dreams at a faster pace while combined. TruSculpt® iD, a revolutionary non-surgical, body contouring treatment that allows you to personalize your ideal body in as little as one 15-minute treatment. TruSculpt iD is a safe and effective technology that is clinically proven to permanently eliminate fat cells in stubborn areas around your abdomen, flanks as well as in other areas of the body. With truSculpt iD, you can get the body definition you want, even in areas that have been resistant to diet and exercise. 

TruSculpt Flex vs EMSCULPT 

The mechanisms of TruSculpt flex are similar to those used by EMSCULPT, with both technologies inducing muscle contractions through external stimulations. However, TruSculpt Flex has the distinct advantage of specificity, flexibility and power. While technologies like EMSCULPT use electromagnetic stimulation to build muscle, the TruSculpt Flex device utilizes electrical stimulation, which can be delivered to specific muscles by the placement of individual handpieces. In contrast, the EMSCULPT machine does not offer a controlled, focal stimulus and subsequently cannot provide equally accurate or targeted treatment or results. Additionally, with the ability to address up to eight areas simultaneously, TruSculpt flex offers enhanced body coverage, compared to the maximum of two muscle areas covered by EMSCULPT’s electromagnetic stimulation. Finally, TruSculpt Flex is 3,5 times more powerful than EMSCULPT allowing you to continuously improve rather than reaching too quickly a plateau.

Request a consultation or more information and begin your journey. The Difference is Beautiful.

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Mathieu Vigneault
Mathieu Vigneault
Great service, thanks
Michael Lafrance
Michael Lafrance
Très content du résultat et personnel très courtois
Lidiea Ambarus
Lidiea Ambarus
Une mention spéciale à Gabriela Gabby Noemi. Elle est non seulement professionnelle et compétente, mais aussi attentionnée et amicale. Dès mon premier rendez-vous, son travail minutieux m'a donné une grande confiance en ses capacités et cela continue. Elle explique toujours comment tout fonctionne, étape par étape. Le traitement fonctionne bien, je suis contente des résultats. Équipe professionnelle, travail de grande qualité, fortement recommandé.
Très bonne expérience, de la prise de rendez-vous au traitement. Le personnel est acceuillant, le docteur est absolument génial, super rassurant, sans jugement, confiant et attentionné. Les réceptionnistes et assistants sont tous gentils et fournissent un maximum d'informations. J'avais certaines appréhensions ne sachant pas trop à quoi m'attendre mais je ne le regrette pas une seconde et j'y retrounerai!
Acrochordons multiple, bonne explication et bon service
serge mpela
serge mpela
belle emplacement, très bonne pris en charge et professionnel.
Mark Gouterman
Mark Gouterman
Every time the best, the most professional service. Thank you!
Very professional staff Greeted with friendly atmosphere Recommend Medispa to anyone in need of dermatology needs