A quick and easy treatment for fresher looking skin!


It consists of the injection of a liquid sclerosing agent into the spider vein using a very fine needle. This will induce a gradual disappearance of the spider vein over a period of a few weeks to a few months depending on the size of the treated vessel.


Physimed MediSpa, Montreal


None needed




20 minutes


None needed

before & after gallery

See below


Very low

We use SCLERODEX (dextrose and saline) as a sclerosing agent in order to induce inflammation of the inner layer of the small vein and ultimately causing thrombosis, scarring, closure and disappearance of the injected vein. This process takes time and before the final result the vein becomes dark red/blue then black and brown. This fades over time before complete disappearance.

Most of the time, definite and continuous improvement will occur. Final disappearance of the spider vein may take up to 3 – 6 months. One or two sessions may be required for the same spider to disappear. 

Notice: these photos are published for informational purposes only. They do not constitute a guarantee of results.

The spider treatment takes one or more sessions of sclerotherapy injection. It is usually painless but there might be some skin irritation like an insect bite with minor pain. Following the injection, a cotton ball is applied and should be removed one hour later. A compressive leg stocking is worn in order to obtain the best aesthetic results.

Patient with visible spider veins will benefit the most because the look will improve.

The thigh and legs are the most affected areas, spider veins on the face are usually treated by laser.

Side effects may happen. They include pain, swelling and redness. Bruising is common and disappear over 2-3 weeks. 

Allergic reaction, itching, skin rash and brown staining of the skin (hyperpigmentation) in up to 20% will eventually disappear within a few months up to one year. 

Skin ulcers, superficial or deep vein thrombosis may occur although extremely rarely.

A surveillance follow-up is recommended to keep the aesthetic look of the legs under control.
An alternative to sclerotherapy of spider veins is Nd-YAG skin laser which is available at our clinic.

Request a consultation or more information and begin your journey. The Difference is Beautiful.

    Mathieu Vigneault
    Mathieu Vigneault
    Great service, thanks
    Michael Lafrance
    Michael Lafrance
    Très content du résultat et personnel très courtois
    Lidiea Ambarus
    Lidiea Ambarus
    Une mention spéciale à Gabriela Gabby Noemi. Elle est non seulement professionnelle et compétente, mais aussi attentionnée et amicale. Dès mon premier rendez-vous, son travail minutieux m'a donné une grande confiance en ses capacités et cela continue. Elle explique toujours comment tout fonctionne, étape par étape. Le traitement fonctionne bien, je suis contente des résultats. Équipe professionnelle, travail de grande qualité, fortement recommandé.
    Très bonne expérience, de la prise de rendez-vous au traitement. Le personnel est acceuillant, le docteur est absolument génial, super rassurant, sans jugement, confiant et attentionné. Les réceptionnistes et assistants sont tous gentils et fournissent un maximum d'informations. J'avais certaines appréhensions ne sachant pas trop à quoi m'attendre mais je ne le regrette pas une seconde et j'y retrounerai!
    Acrochordons multiple, bonne explication et bon service
    serge mpela
    serge mpela
    belle emplacement, très bonne pris en charge et professionnel.
    Mark Gouterman
    Mark Gouterman
    Every time the best, the most professional service. Thank you!
    Very professional staff Greeted with friendly atmosphere Recommend Medispa to anyone in need of dermatology needs